Copenhagen – Day Trip – Malmö

2017.10.20DockerCon的会议结束,我们还会在哥本哈根在盘桓两天。罗斯基勒(Roskilde)的维京海盗船博物馆肯定要去看,这要一天;剩下一天的去处在腓特烈堡(Frederiksborg Slot )和马尔默(Malmö)之间纠结。如果去马尔默的话会穿过厄勒海峡,再添加一个去过的国家,我们最终还是决定去马尔默。




Rörsjökanalen, Malmö
Rörsjökanalen, Malmö

圣彼得教堂(St. Peter’s Church)始建于1319年,是一座哥特式的教堂。教堂的外观和内饰与其它教堂相比没有太多特殊之处,但是在教堂一角的小礼拜堂却保存了中世纪宗教里一个已经不太为人所知的文化现象,死亡之舞(the dance of death)。

St. Peter's Church, Malmö
The altar in the St. Peter's Church, Malmö


Paintings in the Tradesmen's Chapel (Krämarekapellet) at St. Peter's Church, Malmö
圣彼得教堂的小礼拜堂(the Tradesmen’s Chapel – Krämarekapellet)中色彩斑斓、线条繁复的壁画
The dance of death on grave slabs in the Tradesmen's Chapel (Krämarekapellet) at St. Peter's Church, Malmö

说起小礼拜堂的经历也很曲折。大约在1850年,瑞典人对圣彼得教堂进行大规模的“修缮”,结果使教堂里的壁画被严重破坏,损失殆尽。当时这座小礼拜堂被用作存放灭火器材,反而让其中的壁画和大理石地板得以保存。圣彼得教堂位于从西班牙出发,经瑞典到挪威的朝圣之路的途中。颇有深意的是教堂的铭牌上刻着的朝圣者所应遵循的信条,simplicity, slowness, silence, sharing, freedom, spirituality and light-heartedness.

从圣彼得教堂出来,我们在Lilla Kafferosteriet咖啡点小坐。再向前走,向右转个弯,就到了马尔默最大的广场,Stortorget。连接Stortorget的街道中间,有一组高矮胖瘦不一、吹奏乐器前进的雕像。这组被称作“乐观者乐队(The Optimists Orchestra)”的雕塑为Yngve Lundell所做,1985年起被摆放在这里。我以前见过这组雕塑的照片,却不知道在哪里,这次也算是不期而遇。

A cafe, Malmö
Lilla Kafferosteriet咖啡店
The Optimists Orchestra at Sodergatan street, Malmö


Stortorget, Malmö
Fountain of Stortorget, Malmö
Statue of King Karl X Gustav, Stortorget, Malmö

小广场(Lilla torg)和Stortorget相连,西面的木房农舍可以追溯到1590年,不过整个广场已经相当的商业化。再向南穿过马尔默的内城,靠近护城河,是Gustav Adolfs广场。这个广场是1804年,马尔默拆除了周围的防御公事后才修建的。这个广场实际上有一半是绿地,其余的部分摆放着几座喷泉和雕塑。

Lilla torg (Little Square), Malmö
Sculpture on Gustav Adolfs torg, Malmö
Gustav Adolfs广场的雕塑


Cat sculpture by Davidshallsbron, Malmö
Shoe sculpture on Davidshallsbron, Malmö
”Way to go“,每一双鞋代表一位艺术家,马尔默护城河Davidshallsbron桥
Davidshallsbron, Malmö

吃过午饭,我们回到Gustav Adolfs广场。从广场向西是一片墓地,不过看起来更像是一个公园。

Old cemetery (Gamla kyrkogården), Malmö


Overlook the City Library from Kungsparken, Malmö
Kungsparken, Malmö


Malmöhus Slott, Malmö

Copenhagen – Scandinavian Cuisine


说起斯堪的纳维亚半岛的传统饮食,人们大多会想到肉丸和腌制的鲱鱼,要么就是甜菜、土豆或是炸猪排这些食物,总之都是北欧苦寒之地食物种类匮乏的地方常见的食材。这多半都是因为这些食物易生长,加工的方式也以长期保存为目的。不过近年来新一代的北欧厨师们扬弃了传统食物中粗敝的一面。说起新式的北欧料理(Nordic Cuisine),让人联想到的会是新鲜的材料、丰富的色彩和精致的摆盘,食材的选择也大为扩充。哥本哈根是新式的北欧料理的发源地,高级餐厅的厨师们更是把季节性和地域性的风味和创意发挥到极致。这其中最具代表性的就是位于峡湾边上的Noma。这家米其林三星的餐馆被誉为是世界上最好的餐馆,位子要提前几个月预定。

Ved Kajen, Nyhavn, Copenhagen
腌鲱鱼(pickled herring),新港的餐馆Ved Kajen

Geist是位于国王新广场(Kongens Nytorv)的一家高级餐馆,走的也是讲究食材原味、口味清淡的路线。

Geist, Copenhagen
Geist, Copenhagen


Tårnet (Tower), Christiansborg, Copenhagen
鹿肉tartare,Tårnet (Tower)

Skindbuksen是一家位于老城中心的餐馆,提供的是丹麦的传统美食。餐馆的外观也符合对老式餐馆的想象,低矮的房屋,幽暗的灯光,甚至还在地下半层。外面连日的大雨,街道上的泥泞,一盏油灯在风中摇曳着微弱的亮光。这时几个骑马的客人推开了食肆的门 – 他们是维京海盗。餐馆的内饰其实很有艺术范儿,食物的味道也不错。

Skindbuksen, Copenhagen
Skindbuksen, Copenhagen
Skindbuksen, Copenhagen


Köttbullar (Meatball), Bullen, Malmö
Köttbullar (Meatball),Bullen,Malmö

Roskilde距哥本哈根约一个小时车程。Café Knarr是当地海盗船博物馆边的餐馆,颇为有名。说是餐馆,但几乎没有任何装饰,菜点选择很少,但味道不错,传统与现代并重。

Cafe 48, Roskilde
Cafe 48, Roskilde
Café Knarr, Roskilde
Café Knarr, Roskilde

Copenhagen – Statues



The Little Mermaid, Copenhagen
美人鱼,Edvard Eriksen


Efter badet by Carl Aarsleff, Copenhagen
Efter badet(《浴后》),Carl Aarsleff
Søfartsmonumentet, Copenhagen
Søfartsmonumentet (Seafarers monument)

卡斯特雷特要塞的另一侧有一个小公园,以邱吉尔命名。其中有一座名为《Our Fellen》的铜像,纪念的是二战时期死难的丹麦战士。二战初期丹麦是中立国,1940年被德国在短时间内占领,在大部分时间里基本上相安无事。

Our Fallen statue, Copenhagen
Our Fallen

Royal Casting Collection是丹麦皇家美术学院的一部分,就在峡湾边从老城到美人鱼雕像的途中。这里收藏了很多著名雕塑的复制品。站立在门口的是一座《大卫》的青铜像。

Den Kongelige Afstøbningssamling, Copenhagen
Den Kongelige Afstøbningssamling

Saint Ansgar教堂是位于腓特烈教堂(Frederik’s Church)附近的一座天主教堂,这是教堂门口的铜雕。

Saint Ansgar's Cathedral, Copenhagen
Saint Ansgar’s Cathedral

Johannes Ewald和Johan Herman Wessel是丹麦18世纪后期的两位诗人。他们的纪念碑就在Rundetaarn圆塔和Trinitatis教堂的旁边。

Johannes Ewald & Johan Herman Wessel statue Trinitatis Church, Copenhagen
Rundetaarn圆塔和Trinitatis教堂边纪念Johannes Ewald和Johan Herman Wessel两位诗人的浮雕


Equestrian statue of Absalon, Copenhagen
Equestrian statue of Christian IX at Christiansborg, Copenhagen

我们去哥本哈根的时候已近深秋,罗森堡宫花园里墨绿与金黄交相辉映,有十几座雕像掩映其中。比较大型的有Viggo Hørup和安徒生的雕塑。

Viggo Hørup是19世纪末丹麦最有影响力的左翼政治人物。这座雕像在花园靠近大街的一侧,放置在三角形的花岗岩底座上。底座上有枝叶繁茂的大树和Viggo Hørup政治活动的浮雕,设计颇为独特。Viggo Hørup的青铜雕像虽然不高,但是充满自信和气势,猛一看还以为是列宁。

Statue of Viggo Hørup, Rosenborg Castle Garden
罗森堡宫花园中的Viggo Hørup雕像


The statue of HC Andersen, Rosenborg Castle Gardens, Copenhangen
Boy on a Swan, a fountain in Rosenborg Castle Garden, Copenhagen
Lion statue in front of Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen

罗森堡宫侧面的玫瑰园中一前一后各有一座雕塑。前面的《Liden Gunver》是18世纪丹麦歌剧里的一个人物;后面颇具威严的是Caroline Amalie皇后的雕塑。

Liden Gunver, Rosenborg Castle Garden, Copenhagen
Liden Gunver,罗森堡宫玫瑰园中的雕塑
Queen Caroline Amalie, Rosenborg Castle Garden, Copenhagen
Caroline Amalie皇后,罗森堡宫玫瑰园中的雕塑
Queen Caroline Amalie, Rosenborg Castle Garden, Copenhagen
Caroline Amalie皇后雕塑的底座,罗森堡宫玫瑰园

Business Trip to Southern Europe

From Jan. 28th to Feb. 2nd, I was on a business trip to Europe, to visit our customers and support our sales reps. in the EMEA region. We had 5 customer meetings in 5 days and stopped by 5 different countries. The schedule was tight and there was no time for sightseeing.

I flew into Munich on 1/28 at night. The hotel I stayed was the Holiday Inn Munich – City Center. It’s located by the Isar River. The old town is only 15-minute-walk away across the river. This was the only spare time I had before meeting the sales team the next day. I walked to the city right after settled.

2018.1.28It’s much warmer than I expected in Munich, and the old town was great to walk. Most of the central area are for pedestrians only. Standing in the Marienplatz square and looking around, this is certainly one of the most grandiose city center of the whole Europe. It’s hard to imagine that it’s heavily bombed at the end of the World War II, luckily, many historical sites were preserved or rebuilt after that.
Munich, Germany
Old City Hall (Altes Rathaus), Munich, Germany
Marienplatz, Munich, Germany
Marienplatz, Munich, Germany

I walked all the way to the western side of the old town. There you can see in the far end of the following picture, it is Karlstor, a gate of Munich’s medieval wall. The first floor of the buildings along the street are all occupied by stores. If you are shoppers, the old town Munich provides the great shopping experience.

Neuhauser St., Inner City of Munich, Germany
Neuhauser St., Inner City of Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Restaurant in central Munich, Germany

There are several churches in the old town. Frauenkirche is the biggest church and the symbol of Munich city, but one of its towers is under the renovation, and there is not much to see at night. St. Michael’s Church is a Jesuit church in the early Baroque style. When I got there, it was holding a Sunday night mass.

St. Michael's Church, Munich, Germany
Bürgersaalkirche, Munich, Germany
St. Michael's Church, Munich, Germany
St. Michael’s Church, Munich, Germany
Relief on the back wall of Frauenkirche, Munich, Germany
Relief on the back wall of Frauenkirche, Munich, Germany

I had my dinner at Andechser am Dom. It’s located at the back of Frauenkirche and serves traditional Bavarian dishes. What I ordered was Hirsch-Schnitzel. Hirsch is ‘deer’ in German and Schnitzel refers to dishes that have meat breaded with flour and then fried or baked.

Hirsch-Schnitzel, Andechser am Dom, Munich, Germany
Hirsch-Schnitzel, Andechser am Dom, Munich, Germany
2018.1.29The next day morning, I got up early and had my routine city walk. Every city should have a river. Isar River is the river of Munich and it is a major tributary to Danube. I walked along the bank between Ludwigsbrücke and Maximiliansbrücke. On the right of where I started, there is a building with a beautify clock tower. I later learned it’s public indoor swimming pool.
Müller'sches Volksbad, Munich, Germany
Müller’sches Volksbad, Munich, Germany

Sun rose up as I walked along the river. There are several small islands in this section of Isar. A low damn called Wehrsteg in the middle of the river connecting two islands. The rays of the rising sun just reached the top of St Luke’s Church, the largest Protestant church in Munich, across the river. Standing on the damn, I was lucky to capture the perfect reflection of this beautiful church.

St Luke's Church, Munich
St Luke’s Church, Munich
St. Luke's Church, Munich, Germany
St Luke’s Church, Munich

I continued my walk along the other side of the bank. Sun rose up and put golden crowns on the buildings and trees by the Isar river.

Masion by the Isar River, Munich, Germany
Masion by the Isar River, Munich, Germany
Isar River, Munich, Germany
Isar River, Munich, Germany
2018.1.30I met our SE and had meeting with a customer in Munich, then we flew over to Nice transiting at Paris. I have to say, Nice probably has the crookedest roads in the world, even with the help of GPS, we kept getting lost at those one after another roundabouts. Our hotel is close to the beach. I got a chance to take a picture of the Mediterranean in the early morning.
Nice, France
Nice, France
2018.1.31After the full day meeting in Nice, we flew twice over Alps, had a connect flight in Zürich, spent a night at Athens. In the next day morning, when we were waiting for the flight in the Athens International Airport, I noticed the rising sun was perfectly aligned with a notch of the mountain peak so I snapped the picture with my phone. We’d fly to Cyprus from there.
Sunrise, Athens International Airport, Greece
Sunrise, Athens International Airport, Greece

Cyprus is an island in the eastern of the Mediterranean Sea. Because of its strategic location among Europe, Asia and Africa, only 50 miles south to Turkey and 100 miles west to Syria and Lebanon, it has always been the target of major powers of the region in the past 3000 years. On our flight to the island, Anatolia peninsula (or Asia Minor) of Turkey can clearly be seen on the left.

Anatolia, Turkey
Anatolia, Turkey

Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean. Nicosia is its capital city. Only after returned from the trip, I learned the history and geopolitical situation of the island. After three hundred years Ottoman rule, Cyprus was handed over to British administration by the end of 19th century. Cyprus became independent in 1960, but conflicts between its Greek and Turkish ethnical population have never stopped. Turkish army invaded Cyprus in 1974 and took control the northern part of the island. Until today, although multiple efforts have been made to reunite the region, the island remains separated. 37% of Cyprus is ruled by Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, who speak Turkish; and 59% of the area is under the administration of the Republic of Cyprus, who speak Greek; 4% of the island is UN buffer zone.

It’s hard to imagine that after the collapse of Berlin wall, the similar separation still exists in the capital city of Cyprus, Nicosia. Only until 2003, several crossing were opened between the two sides of the city.

Nicosia, Cyprus
Overlook Nicosia from the airplane, Cyprus

The Republic of Cyprus joined the EU in 2004 and enjoyed a good economy overall. Tourism, financial service and shipping are the major parts of the economy. As Cyprus became the portal of the west to invest in Russia, in Cyprus, especially Limassol, Russian community is thriving. Many Russians come to Cyprus for vacation as well. After all, non-stop flight from Moscow to Larnaca is less than 4 hours.

Because of British influence, vehicles in Cyprus are driving on the left-hand side. It took us about an hour to reach Limassol from Larnaca. Limassol is the second largest city in Cyprus, a major port and tourist attraction. Gardens are built along the Mediterranean coast. In the workday noon time, all parkings are taken. We managed to squeeze a place near the old port and had a lunch in a restaurant by the harbor. It’s peaceful and lovely place. The meal is the best I had in the trip.

Limassol, Cyprus
Old Port, Limassol, Cyprus
Limassol, Cyprus
Old Port, Limassol, Cyprus
Limassol, Cyprus
Old Port, Limassol, Cyprus
Limassol, Cyprus
Old Port, Limassol, Cyprus

We had a good meeting with the customer and we were invited to have a drink at the rooftop. From there, we could over look the city and Akrotiri peninsula. Akrotiri is used as British military base under the agreement when Cyprus became independent in 1960. There are two bases in the island, Akrotiri and Dhekelia, which borders the UN buffer zone and northern Cyprus that is controlled by Turkish forces. If you look closely, in the second picture below, you could see antennas at the far right. Those are in Akrotiri, it’s the British territory.

Limassol, Cyprus
Limassol, Cyprus
Limassol, Cyprus
Limassol, Cyprus

Leaving the complicated geopolitical condition behind, we left Cyprus in the afternoon and returned to Munich. When the plane landed, I could hear cheers and applause in the cabin. Germans are so proud of their country.

2018.2.1We drove to Stuttgart to meet another customer. We had to go over a mountain to get to Stuttgart. Temperature was coming down and snow fell on the high land. This is Germany in the winter as I imagined.
Enroute from Munich to Stuttgart, Germany
Enroute from Munich to Stuttgart, Germany
Enroute from Munich to Stuttgart, Germany
Enroute from Munich to Stuttgart, Germany
2018.2.2We stayed in Motel One in Munich for two nights. Despite the name, this is a very modern hotel. We had another customer meeting on the last day, then I flew back to California.
Munich, Germany
Motel One, Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany

Copenhagen – Castles



Børsen位于丹麦议会所在地克里斯蒂安堡宫Christiansborg Palace)的旁边,是17世纪时哥本哈根的股票交易所。这座建筑最令人瞩目的就是它的尖顶,是由四只龙形怪兽的尾巴盘旋扭曲在一起而成。既独树一帜,又最具哥本哈根建筑尖顶那种凭空拔起的特点。

Børsen, Copenhagen

阿美琳堡宫Amalienborg Palace)由四座一模一样的建筑构成,分列在正方形庭院的四角。这是典型的洛可可式(Rococo)建筑。自从1794年本来的皇宫 – 克里斯蒂安堡宫 – 被烧毁后,丹麦皇室就住在这里。皇宫前每天的的换岗仪式是哥本哈根旅游的著名一景。从峡湾一侧看过去,阿美琳堡宫背后是雄伟的腓特烈教堂Frederik’s Church),又称“大理石教堂”。它的圆顶是斯堪的纳维亚半岛教堂中最大的一座。峡湾的对面是哥本哈根歌剧院,这里可算是哥本哈根的中轴线。

Amalienborg and Frederik's Church, Copenhagen
阿美琳堡宫(Amalienborg Palace)和腓特烈教堂(Frederik’s Church)


Kastellet, Copenhagen
Kastellet, Copenhagen

圣阿尔班教堂(St Alban’s Church)紧邻卡斯特雷特要塞的南侧,是一座哥特式的圣公会教堂。教堂不大,清水环绕、掩映于树木之间,更增添了一份平和的乡村气息。

St Alban's Church, Copenhagen
圣阿尔班教堂(St Alban’s Church

Rundetaarn翻译过来就是圆塔的意思,这是哥本哈根最有特色的古建筑之一。塔高35米、直径15米,攀登圆塔不是通过楼梯,而是沿着圆塔内部石子铺成的坡路盘旋而上。坡路颇为宽敞,据说下令建造的克里斯蒂安四世Christian IV)在1642年圆塔建成典礼上骑着马上到塔顶;后来彼得大帝1716年来访时又同样做了一次。每年这里还会举行自行车的登顶比赛。圆塔顶部是俯瞰哥本哈根的好地方。建造圆塔的初衷是作为天文观测台,以帮助规划远航的路线,为开拓殖民地铺路。与圆塔相连的Trinitatis教堂的上层还有一个哥本哈根大学的图书馆,可见当时欧洲诸强对科学文化的重视。

Rundetaarn, Copenhagen
The spiral ramp inside Rundetaarn, Copenhagen
Trinitatis Church, Copenhagen

哥本哈根最为有名,也是最漂亮的城堡还要数洛森堡宫(Rosenborg Castle)。这也是克里斯蒂安四世下令兴建的,与1606年建成,作为皇室夏季的住所,是当时丹麦流行的文艺复兴风格的建筑。内饰豪华奢侈,金碧辉煌。宫殿地下室展出的是皇家收藏的金银财宝、奇珍古玩,包括克里斯蒂安四世和皇后的皇冠、佩剑,实实在在的是金光闪闪。

Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen
Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen
洛森堡宫三层的长厅(Long Hall)
Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen
洛森堡宫的Christian V’s Chamber
Treasury in the basement, Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen

Copenhagen – Garden


Amaliehaven, Copenhagen
哥本哈根城北的一处城市公园 – Amaliehaven

沿着这个城市公园继续向北,就在卡斯特雷特要塞(Kastellet)的外面是圣阿尔班教堂(St Alban’s Church)。这座哥特式的圣公会教堂位于一个小公园内,被卡斯特雷特要塞外的护城河和片片芦苇环抱。

St Alban's Church, Copenhagen
圣阿尔班教堂(St Alban’s Church)


Kastellet, Copenhagen
Kastellet, Copenhagen
Kastellet, Copenhagen
卡斯特雷特要塞的北入口Norway Gate
Kastellet, Copenhagen

罗森堡宫花园(Rosenborg Castle Garden)就在哥本哈根老城外面一点,又被称作国王花园,是丹麦克里斯蒂四世国王修建的一座皇家花园。花园大约呈正方形,后面的一侧有些倾斜。横贯花园的两条大道两侧是高大的欧椴树(Lime Tree),它们把花园分成整齐的方格,喷泉、雕塑点缀其中。罗森堡宫一侧的玫瑰园里树木修剪整齐,不愧为皇家园林的气派。罗森堡宫花园离哥本哈根市区很近,是城市人休闲的好去处。

Rosenborg Castle Garden, Copenhagen
Rosenborg Castle Garden, Copenhagen
Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen

Copenhagen – City

借参加DockerCon EU的机由,我们有机会在2017年的10月下旬造访丹麦的首都哥本哈根。在这以前对哥本哈根的印象大概只停留在小美人鱼的雕像和新港彩色的建筑上。这次虽然身临其境,但终究是借开会之便,只能用有限的时间蜻蜓点水。丹麦的国家不大,有记载的历史也说不上很长,但是作为北欧的代表,丹麦的现代文化艺术,特别是在建筑设计方面,都颇有建树。以后如果有时间再去哥本哈根,一定要去仔细看看那些闻名世界的建筑作品。

挑选旅馆的时候特意选择了新港附近的Copenhagen Strand。这里几乎位于哥本哈根市区的中心,走路到任何景点都不会超过半个小时。旅馆的内饰遵循北欧简洁实用的设计理念,早餐也很不错,唯一的缺点就是房间太小,不过哥本哈根市内的旅馆大多如此。


Nyhavn, Copenhagen
Nyhavn, Copenhagen


Lilla torg (Little Square), Malmö
瑞典Malmö的小广场(Lilla torg)边的旧屋


Den Kongelige Afstøbningssamling, Copenhagen
哥本哈根Øresund峡湾边的Den Kongelige Afstøbningssamling美术馆
Copenhagen Street


Overlook Amagertorv Square from Illum rooftop, Copenhagen

哥本哈根常常被称为“尖塔之城(City of Spires)”。因为整个城区没有高层建筑,登高远眺,教堂和公共建筑的尖顶就格外引入注目。这些尖顶多为铜制,岁月的侵蚀为它们镀上一层铜绿。与罗曼式教堂的圆拱和哥特式教堂多尖拱顶不同,哥本哈根建筑上的尖顶常常是于平屋中拔起,初见时觉得颇为突兀,但又形态雕刻精美,让人过目不忘。

Overlook Copenhagen downtown from Rundetaarn, Copenhagen
Overlook the city from the Tower of Christiansborg, Copenhagen
从哥本哈根的老皇宫 – 克里斯蒂安堡宫(Christiansborg) – 的塔顶遥望老城区,前方的尖顶建筑是St. Nicholas教堂


Bikes in Copenhagen

出了老城,哥本哈根的皇宫、园林多在城市的北部。穿过罗森堡宫的花园,街的对面就是丹麦国家美术馆(Statens Museum for Kunst)。我们去的时候正在展出以表现丹麦家庭的传统与关系为主题的展览,《Exhibit of Family Stories》。展览的主创艺术家Gillian Wearing通过雕塑、摄影和摄像的手段,记录了1992年以来许许多多丹麦家庭的点滴片段。展厅的布置充分利用空间和色彩,非常现代。

丹麦国家美术馆(Statens Museum for Kunst)
Exhibit of Family Stories (Gillian Wearing), Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen
Gillian Wearing主题为《家的故事(Exhibit of Family Stories)》的展览,丹麦国家美术馆


Torvehallerne market, Copenhagen
Torvehallerne market, Copenhagen


Danish Architecture Center (DAC), Copenhagen
丹麦建筑中心(Danish Architecture Center (DAC))位于Øresund峡湾中的Amager岛,和哥本哈根位于Zealand岛只隔者一条狭长的海道

Thanksgiving at Pismo Beach

2017.11.24 ~ 26We arrived Pismo Beach in the afternoon. Inn at The Pier had been remodeled and reopened not long ago. We got the room with the ocean view. Our balcony overlooked the beach and the pier was right in front of us. There is a parking lot between the hotel and the beach, so we didn’t get the feeling of next to the beach. Nevertheless, it’s a nice room and the sunset was gorgeous!

Most people come here for the beach, there are not a lot of restaurants, Splash Café is one the best of them. The nice thing is that it is just around the corner, we could order the food and eat at our balcony.

The next day, we did some shopping at the outlets nearby in the morning and had our lunch at Cracked Crab. It’s a very popular restaurant with quality seafood and reasonable price. Good we came early, people started lining up outside while we were eating.

In the afternoon, we drove to San Luis Obispo, which is only 15 miles north. We did some hiking at the Bishop Peak. It took much longer time than we expected on the road leading to the parking lot, unfortunately, we didn’t reach the top.

After we checked out of the hotel on the third day morning, we first stopped at the Butterfly Grove very next to the highway 1. There are several Eucalyptus trees where up to 25,000 Monarch Butterflies spent winter there. Monarchs here have a life span of six months so the butterflies come the next year have never been to these trees. It’s amazing how Monarchs remember their routes across multi-generation migration.

Oceano Sand Dunes is another popular site near the Pismo Beach. One option is to park the car at the end of the Grand Avenue, but you have to walk 3 miles to get to the dunes. Somehow through a back road we found a small ranch to park our car. From there we only walked 15 minutes through the bushes to reach the dunes. The area is big enough to spend one or two hours wandering around the huge dunes. It’s a good exercise.


Paris – Musée d’Orsay and Le Marais


Jardin des Tuileries in a cloudy day, Paris

早晨起来下了些雨,奥赛美术馆前的小广场地上湿漉漉的。小广场上摆放着几座雕像,迎面就是一座犀牛的青铜雕像,这是Alfred Jacquemart为1878年巴黎国际博览会制作的。以犀牛为主题的雕塑本来就少,这让人不由地想到《Midnight in Paris》里面,Adrien Brody饰演的达利所说的台词,“I see a rhinoceros“。

Entrance of Musée d'Orsay and the Rhinocéros by Alfred Jacquemart, Paris
奥赛美术馆前的犀牛雕像,Alfred Jacquemart

广场的远端是排成一排的六座铜像,分别代表六个大洲,从左到右分别为,欧洲、亚洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲和大洋洲。这六做雕像也是为1878年巴黎国际博览会所做,放置在当时的特罗卡代罗宫(Palais du Trocadéro),也就是现在的夏乐宫,所在的地方。在后来百多年的历史中, 这六座雕像曾经被遗弃在垃圾场,直到1986年奥赛美术馆开放,这代表六大洲的雕像才被重新修缮,摆放在现在的位置上。

The statues of the six continents at the esplanade of the Musée d'Orsay, Paris



Overlook Jardin des Tuileries and Sacré-Cœur in the far background from Musée d'Orsay, Paris
The clock of the Musée d'Orsay, Paris

走出奥赛时已是中午,虽说是秋风阵阵,但是天空已经开始放晴。连接奥赛美术馆和杜乐丽花园的桥叫做Passerelle Léopold-Sédar-Senghor,(Léopold Sédar Senghor曾担任塞内加尔总统20年,同时又是一位诗人,于2001年在法国去世。)这座桥不大,只供行人行走,但它的独特之处不仅是单拱横跨塞纳河,而且在桥中心分成上下两层,可连接主路又可以到达河岸。一位女子衣领高竖、坐在桥面上读书,既体会着秋风的凉意,又享受着下午阳光的温暖。

People sitting on the stairs by the River Seine outside of Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Passerelle Léopold-Sédar-Senghor in the early afternoon, Paris
午后的Passerelle Léopold-Sédar-Senghor桥

这几天在卢浮宫左右转来转去,没有注意到皇家宫殿(Palais Royal)就在卢浮宫旁边,皇宫里面条纹装饰的廊柱令人印象深刻,我们决定走过去看看。

Eglise Saint Roch at Rue Saint-Honoré, Paris
圣奥诺雷街(Rue Saint-Honoré)上的圣罗克教堂(Eglise Saint Roch)

卢浮宫北侧的拱门外是人声鼎沸、商家云集的地方。圣奥诺雷街(Rue Saint-Honoré)、歌剧院大街和黎塞留街(Rue de Richelieu)在这里交汇形成一个小广场,科莱特广场(Place Colette)。前几天已经来过几次,却没有注意到广场上有一个很有名的地铁站。地铁站的入口用红蓝白色的玻璃球装饰着,如果不介绍的话,还以为是为烘托节日气氛摆放上去的,但实际上这是2000年法国当代艺术家Jean-Michel Othoniel为纪念巴黎地铁100周年而做的现代艺术品,名为《夜游者之亭》(Le Kiosque des Noctambules)。

Metro station in Place Colette near Palais Royal, by Jean-Michel Othoniel, Paris
科莱特广场的地铁站,《夜游者之亭》(Le Kiosque des Noctambules),Jean-Michel Othoniel

大街上嘈杂热闹,皇宫内院却是闹中取静的地方。皇家宫殿开始是17世纪初红衣主教黎塞留为自己修建的私邸。他死后收归皇家所有,住的都是皇亲国戚,是名副其实的皇家官邸。现在这里是法国数个行政机构的所在地。皇宫内庭里的廊柱是1986年法国艺术家Daniel Buren设计建制的,共260根,高低不一,是Buren最喜爱的黑白对比鲜明的条纹图案,所以被称为Colonnes de Buren。和很多巴黎的公共现代艺术品一样,修建时争议很大,连巴黎市长和法国文化部长都想让它停工。30年过去,这些廊柱已经成为皇宫的一部分,时间是平息争论的良方。皇宫内院的另一侧是一个花园,设计十分简单。这里人不多,有的在树下读书,还有几位老年人在玩儿着掷球的游戏。

Cour d'Honneur in Palais Royal, Paris
Jardin du Palais Royal, Paris

我们在皇家宫殿里面转一转出来不过半个小时,还有足够的时间去位于孚日广场的雨果故居参观。乘地铁在巴士底广场Place de la Bastille)下车,一出来就看到位于广场中央的七月柱(Colonne de Juillet)。这里是巴士底狱的原址。虽然攻陷巴士底狱(1789年7月14日,也是七月)是法国大革命的起点和象征,这个七月柱实际上是为纪念1830年的七月革命而立的。七月革命形成了法国的君主立宪体制。Eugène Delacroix所做的名画《自由领导人民》就是描述的这场革命的场景。

Colonne de Juillet (July Column) at the Place de la Bastille, Paris
位于巴士底广场的七月柱(Colonne de Juillet)

玛莱区(Le Marais)位于第三区和第四区,是巴黎最古老的街区之一,历史可以追述到13世纪,许多贵族住在这里,留下很多古老的建筑。法国大革命后逐渐平民化。最近几十年商业复兴,成为新潮人士喜欢聚集的地方。走在街上,人潮如织,街道很窄,路边小店一个接一个,和左岸拉丁区可有一拼。

转了两条街就到了孚日广场Place des Vosges)。广场呈四方形,中间是花园喷泉,四面是红墙高窗,以白色方砖为装饰,有如油画一般,气度非凡。很多巴黎地名翻译一定出于名家之手,充满了文艺气息,孚日广场便是一例。”孚“在汉语中是信用、为人所信之意,比如“深孚众望”。孚日广场是巴黎最古老的皇家广场,多位名人曾在这里生活;“孚”又与”蜉“同音,望着夕阳下红砖青瓦的温暖与庄严,不由得让人感叹世事的变迁与无常。

Place des Vosges in Marais district, Paris
View Place des Vosges from Maison de Victor Hugo, Paris


Maison de Victor Hugo, Paris
Maison de Victor Hugo, Paris

回到旅馆去前一天就订好的餐馆(Chez Monsieur)吃晚饭。这家是法式餐点,评价不错,为我们9天的巴黎之行画下完美的句号。

Foie Gras, Chez Monsieur, Paris
Foie Gras, Chez Monsieur
Roasted Cod, Chez Monsieur, Paris
Roasted Cod, Chez Monsieur
Coquillettes(Macaroni) with Truffe, Chez Monsieur, Paris
Coquillettes(Macaroni) with Truffe, Chez Monsieur